Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Warehouses

Unievo Logistics owns and operates 3PL Warehouses that lease the space to other companies. Our warehouses function as outsourced logistics operations wherein other businesses or individuals can receive, hold/store, and ship their goods.

Benefit of our 3PL Warehouses

  • No need to pay for warehouse design, equipment sourcing, or ongoing operating costs
  • No need to hire, train, and manage staff as the warehouse owner is responsible for these
  • Flexibility to store goods for short or long terms
  • Lower transportation costs and faster order fulfillment with the ability to choose warehouses by their closeness to customer bases
  • Many offer value-added services such as billing, scheduling, managing orders, packing, assembling, and shipping stored goods
  • Lower freight costs since these warehouses often negotiate favorable rates with freight companies based on their volume of clients and order throughput


Fulfillment Centers

Our Fulfillment center encompasses all aspects of logistics – from receiving, storage, processing, and filling customer orders, to picking, packing, and shipping. And for some companies, such as start-up E-commerce businesses, having these activities done on their behalf is very important.

Here’s how it works:
- Goods are sent to the fulfillment center either directly from the business’s stock or the manufacturer to the fulfillment center
- The fulfillment center stores, processes, and ships the stock to the end-user using specialized material handling equipment, automation, and robotics

Benefits of our Fulfillment Centers

  • No need to handle the logistics of selling: You send them all your stock and they inventory, pick, assemble, package, and ship to your customers when they buy
  • Flexibility to handle processing returned orders (technically called “reverse logistics”)
  • Suitable for both business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) goods
  • It eliminates the need for separate warehousing or another facility for storage
  • Allows companies to focus their resources and energy on more important tasks like customer service, marketing, and product development
  • Many fulfillment centers offer national and international services so businesses can extend their market reach while still being able to quickly reach core customer bases
  • Fulfillment centers often have advanced software that offers better insight into inventory levels along with the ability to track clients’ inventory levels and movement

Contract Warehouses

Like fulfillment centers, our contract warehouses are a subtype of 3PL warehouses. The difference is that, instead of operating on a first-come, first-serve basis like a basic 3PL warehouse, Unievo Logistics contract warehouses guarantee storage space whenever it’s needed.

Benefits of our Contract Warehouses

  • Provides guaranteed storage space when businesses need it, such as during seasonal peaks, unexpected demand, or disruptions in production
  • Allow businesses to take a “hands-off” approach to storing, handling, and transporting their goods
  • Some provide value-added services like kitting, branding, and quality inspections
  • No need to train employees on equipment or software since the warehouse provides management services


Bonded Warehouses

Here’s how Unievo Logistics Bonded service warehouses work:
- A business contracts with the bonded warehouse proprietor to store their goods
- The liability for the stored, bonded goods transfers to the warehouse proprietor
- The proprietor pays the duties when the goods are sold from the warehouse
- If the goods or items are not sold or end up being distributed internationally, the proprietor liability and duty tax don’t apply
Bonded warehouses are generally used by companies engaged in import/export and cross-border trade.

Benefits of our Bonded Warehouses

  • Distributors can preserve cash flow by delaying import/export duty fees until the product is sold
  • Goods that don’t sell may be exempt from duty fees, thereby reducing the inherent financial risks involved in importing/exporting
  • Can hold a wide variety of items, products, and materials
  • Allow international goods to be moved closer to customer bases
  • Expedited cargo and lower costs on account of their close location to ports and borders

Distribution Centers

Warehouses typically store goods for longer periods, whereas warehouse distribution centers temporarily store goods while they are prepared for routing to the retailer.

Benefits of Unievo Logistics Distribution Centers

  • Ability to quickly process many SKUs and large order volumes while keeping out-the-door times low for better customer satisfaction
  • Offer faster delivery as they’re often located close to customer areas
  • Better quality control with heavily-computerized systems and automation to manage their operations
  • Generally cheaper than fulfillment centers


Cross Docking Warehouses

We offer cross-docking services in our warehouse where goods from inbound trucks are sorted and routed to outbound trucks for final delivery to the end-user.
Here’s how cross-docking warehouses work:
- Goods come into the warehouse from various inbound trucks
- They’re sorted and distributed among outbound trucks assigned to particular routes
- The trucks go door-to-door or business-to-business delivering that day’s goods

Benefits of our Cross-Docking Warehouses

  • Lower fuel usage and emissions by not having multiple trucks stop at multiple locations
  • Less handling reduces delivery/material handling costs and chances of product damage

Climate Controlled Warehouses

Climate-controlled warehouses store perishable or other sensitive items that require specific temperatures and/or moisture ranges.
They use specialized HVAC systems, dehumidifiers, thermostats, and insulation to maintain internal airflow, temperature, and moisture levels.
These systems and controls help limit the loss of integrity when storing items like produce, meat, artwork, and pharmaceuticals.

Benefits of Unievo Logistics Climate Controlled Warehouses

  • Helps preserve goods by reducing how much water is lost, which helps reduce decay, mildew growth, and mold
  • Many types of climate-controlled and cold storage warehouses are available to store a wide variety of items with specific requirements
  • The best warehouse operators offer strict quality monitoring, control, and backups to ensure sensitive products remain stable


Hazmat Warehouses

Hazardous materials warehouses are similar to temperature-controlled warehouses in that both have to maintain high storage standards.
Unievo Logistics hazmat warehouses specialize in – you guessed it – storing hazardous materials, including things like:
- Gasses and chemicals
- Weapons, ammunition, and explosives
- Radioactive materials
- Biological materials, including viruses, bacteria, and communicable diseases

Reverse Logistics Warehouses

Reverse logistics refers to the process of deciding what happens to an item once it’s returned.
In some cases, the item may simply be repackaged and resold.
In other cases, it may be destroyed, recycled, repaired, or refurbished.
Unievo Logistics warehouse facility is solely dedicated to this process, handles reverse logistics activities along with normal warehousing operations like picking, packing, and shipping goods.

Pros of Reverse Logistics Warehouses

  • Offering returns helps companies improve customer satisfaction
  • Helps identify ways to reuse, recycle, or resell products and reduce landfills
  • Helps recapture the value of products by sorting those that can be resold or reused

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